August 27, 2010


1. Haven't been blogging, I have croup... Yucky
2. I could not be any more excited for my new highschool and freshman year AGH!
3. The new books in the Clique serious are amazing. :)

That's all, goodnight loves!

August 14, 2010


It's ok to be goofy :)

August 9, 2010

Duke Basketball Camp!

Best experience, ever. I went in there not knowing to expect. I knew there would be girls there from all over, but I had no idea I would meet a girl from Alaska!! It was so much fun. We played tons of games, which made me so much more comfortable on the court. I learned so much while I was there. I especially loved my roommate, her name was Dana and she was so much fun. I loved this camp and I plan on going back next summer! 

Dana and I

Our room!

My bunk

Packing to leave :(

I had the best times, from watching BeautyShop in the lounge with Red, Dana and Sam to hanging out with my favorite coaches Hernando and Jim. Good times :)

I also met Hernando Planells. He was one of the coaches and quickly became my favorite. I later found out he is famous for directing basketball games in movie such as Semi-Pro, Grown Ups, and The Longest Yard. Crazy!! So next time you're making a movie and you need a basketball choreographer call Hernando Planells! He's awesome


Last Friday the 6th of August the church West End Assembly of God (visit:) had a lock in! A lock in is where we spend all night "locked in" the church. We play dodgeball eat pizza and ice cream and do whatever. It was so fun yet so exhausting. I love my friends there, they are the people I have known for many many years and who will always be my second family :) We decided to have a Mac Photo shoot.

 Gotta love them, right? :)


I love Maymont. I love going to see all the animals and the beautiful scenery. I always take my camera with me, big surprise.. I went with Rachel and her sister Sara. We had a lot of fun minus it being 94 degrees outside..  Brace yourself for lots of pictures. Ready? Go.


My aspiration to be professional photographer grows more and more each day. I know I will probably never have good enough work to be in a magazine, or anywhere, but I love taking pictures. No matter what, that will always be what I turn to (besides God.) I hope one day my dreams will come true, oh how I wish.

{click pictures to see them bigger!}


So in the past month that I haven't blogged(sorry!), I transformed my room!


I know the blue is a little bold, but I loved the color. The black is chalkboard paint, and it is so so so amazing! As for furniture, I got a loft from Ikea. I got a loft because my room is not very big so I wanted to use the space I had wisely. Under the loft I have a cute little table and my butterfly chair. I also got the most awesome dresser (also from Ikea!) It's so much better then my old one, even bigger! So from Ikea I got; My Loft, Noresund Table, White Dresser, and Noresund Mirror. It has totally transformed my room. I love it! Thank you Ikea!!

July 4, 2010

Independance Day!

Spent with none other then the Keeley's! We went to church then to the Science Museum. We spent the day together learning and having fun. Then we went back to the house and me and Katie and Kelsey went for a long bike ride. After that, it was dark so we started the fireworks! They were so fun to watch and I got some great shots of them :)
 The pictures are much better bigger, I'll put them on flickr soon and have the link :)

Hope everyone's day was blessed.

June 28, 2010


Been a long time! Goodness!
So, spending lots of days with Katie Keeley has turned into a routine this summer. This time, the three days we spent together was inspired by Peter Pan. Only because we both say the CYT play! 
Every day we would watch all the Peter Pan movies all night e.i-Hook, Peter Pan, Peter Pan;Return To Neverland & Peter Pan(2003).
In the movie Hook the lost boys and Peter have a "Bang-A-Rang" food fight with their imaginary food. Katie and I decided to do this. We got whipped cream and food coloring to make it look like the pies in the movie. We have the set up and even made a video to the song "Ugg-A-Wug" from the play. It was so great, we got so messy and had a great time. 
So epic. The end ;)

June 21, 2010


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 
That quote is always my status, because it's helping me to keep my chin up. Right now I have one thousand reasons to cry. But I have one million reasons to smile, including my friends, family & God.

I hope this quote is more then just words to you, like it is to me.

{Have a good week}

June 14, 2010

So so so

Much on my mind lately. I can't sleep. I can't have one idea without another thought coming into my head and bumping it out. I need to de-stress, it's summer. I need a beach weekend with Kelly. Today was good. Besides one part, oh goodness. I'm just glad to have such good people surrounding me in my life. God sent me some great people to look up to. Also I honestly can't wait for highschool, its going to open so many doors for me and I can hardly wait for it to start.

On another note summer is great, I'm loving the weather. I am also loving the fact that I never sunburn, crazy huh? I dont think I have ever gotten sunburn besides my face. Love it :)

Goodness, thinking about everything right now is giving me a headache, I have too much on my plate for it to be summer. But I have the best dad in the world who is not letting me get a job because he knows how stressed I am and wants me to have fun this summer :)

Sorry This is so long and rambling. I get my new camera tonight, so hopefully summer updates soon :)

{Have a good week everyone!}